THE MARKETS...Our stock market guests will discuss and debate all the latest news and developments affecting investors.
On board:
*Greg Valliere, Washington strategist at Stanford Policy Research
*Vince Farrell, managing director of Scotsman Capital
*Jack Gage, Forbes magazine associate editor
THE GREENSPAN LEGACY...Our economic panel will weigh in with their thoughts on the former Fed chair and whether Greenspan bears any responsibility for today's economic turmoil.
On board:
*Wayne Angell, former Fed governor
*Jerry Bowyer, chief economist at Benchmark Financial Network
*Vincent Reinhart, former chief monetary-policy adviser to Fed chair Ben Bernanke and current resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute
WHAT IS THE COST OF FREEDOM?...We'll take a look at the costs of the Iraq war and its effect, if any, on the overall U.S. economy.
***A one-on-one interview with General Wesley Clark, former NATO supreme allied commander in Europe and former presidential candidate.
***A debate between Nobel-prize winning former World Bank economist Joseph Stiglitz and Steve Moore, senior economics writer and member of The Wall Street Journal editorial board.
TEXAS'S RECESSION-PROOF ECONOMY...Republican Governor Rick Perry will join us live from Austin with a look at his state's economic strength.
Please join us at 7pm ET on CNBC for another free market edition of Kudlow & Company.