Tonight at 7pm ET: MARKETS - Ron Kruszewski, Stifel, Nicolaus Chairman & CEO - Jim LaCamp, Macroportfolio Advisors Sr. VP, Portfolio Manager - Jim Iuorio, Options Action Contributor; Director, TJM Institutional Services
HOW TO GROW THE ECONOMY? DID OBAMA HANDLE LIBYA THE RIGHT WAY? - One-on-one with presumptive presidential candidate Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R-MN).
THE FIGHT FOR LIBYA - NBC's Richard Engel reports.
PREVIEW: PRESIDENT OBAMA'S ADDRESS ON LIBYA - John Harwood, CNBC Chief Washington Correspondent - Col. Jack Jacobs, U.S. Army (RET.)
OBAMA'S PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS ON LIBYA ANALYSIS OF PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS ON LIBYA - John Harwood, CNBC Chief Washington Correspondent - Col. Jack Jacobs, U.S. Army (RET.) - Helima Croft, Barclays Capital Senior Geopolitical Strategist - Dan Senor, Sr. Fellow for Middle East Studies; Council on Foreign Relations
Please join us at 7pm ET on CNBC.