THE STOCK MARKET AND ECONOMY...Our stock market and economic all-stars will discuss and debate all the latest news, issues, trends and developments affecting investors.
On board:
*Don Luskin, chief investment officer at Trend Macro
*Michael Pento, Delta Global Advisors, senior market strategist
*Jerry Bowyer, chief economist at BenchMark Financial Network
*Jared Bernstein, senior economist, Economic Policy Institute
THE PUSH FOR CLEAN COAL...Our panel will weigh in with its perspective on the push for clean coal and the obstacles standing in its way.
On board:
*Don Blankenship, CEO of Massey Energy
*Jerry Bowyer, chief economist at BenchMark Financial Network
*Jared Bernstein, senior economist, Economic Policy Institute
*Walt Williams, economics professor at George Mason University
MCCAIN...Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard and economic adviser to John McCain will join us in a one-on-one discussion.
MONEY POLITICS...Squaring off on a host of Washington to Wall Street topics this evening will be Walt Williams, economics professor at George Mason University and Jared Bernstein, senior economist, Economic Policy Institute.
Please join us at 7pm ET on CNBC for another free market edition of Kudlow & Company.