We'll begin the show with a look into the markets. Our market panel includes Barry Ritholtz, President of Ritholz Capital; John Augustine, Chief Investment Officer at Fifth Third Asset Management; and John Rutledge of Rutledge Capital.
Are we stuck with a do-nothing Congress? We'll take a look at the budget, immigration, social security and other issues with Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS); Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-ND); Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI); and Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA).
Nationally syndicated columnist Joel Mowbray will address escalating tensions in Israel.
A look at the economy with Tim Kane, economist at The Heritage Foundation and Robert Shapiro, former Clinton undersecretary of commerce/co-founder and chairman of Sonecon, LLC.
Tonight's Poll Question:
Will the 'do-nothing' label haunt Republicans in the congressional elections?
Cast your vote at www.kudlowcnbc.com.