We will start things off with a stock market discussion and a fresh look at our Goldilocks economy.
On board:
*Jason Trennert, chief investment strategist at Strategas Research Partners LLC
*John Rutledge, Chairman/CEO of Rutledge Capital
*Quentin Hardy, Silicon Valley Bureau Chief for Forbes magazine
A Washington to Wall Street economic/political debate between Jim Glassman, fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and Gary Gensler, former Treasury undersecretary.
On the political front - our all-star political panel will offer their perspective on the eve of tomorrow's election.
On board:
*Tony Blankley, Washington Times editorial page editor
*Lanny Davis, author/White House special counsel in the Clinton administration
*Peter Beinart, author/editor-at-large of The New Republic
*Deroy Murdoch, syndicated columnist
Also, pollster Scott Rasmussen of the Rasmussen Reports will offer his take on tomorrow's election battles.