THE MARKETS, ECONOMY, INFLATION, OIL...Our all-star market panel will discuss and debate all the latest news and developments affecting investors.
On board:
*Jim Lacamp, portfolio manager of RBC Dain Rauscher
*Brian Wesbury, chief economist at First Trust Advisors
*Gary Shilling, president of A. Gary Shilling & Co.
*Stefan Abrams, Bryden-Abrams Investment Management managing partner
$100 OIL...Cambridge Energy Research Chairman Dan Yergin will join the market panel with his perspective and insight into oil's surge and what it all means.
POLITICAL RUNDOWN...We'll get the latest political news from pollster John Zogby and CNBC's Michelle Caruso-Cabrera.
MARY MATALIN VS. LAWRENCE O'DONNELL...The two political heavyweights will debate the meaning of Obama's big victory in Wisconsin last night, whether Hillary's campaign is finished, and how McCain's campaign is stacking up.
OBAMA-NOMICS VS MCCAIN-NOMICS...We'll take a Washington to Wall Street look at the economic proposals of each candidate. Squaring off this evening are Dan Clifton, political strategist at Strategas and Morris Reid, managing director Westin Rinehart.
Please join us at 7pm ET on CNBC for another free market edition of Kudlow & Company.