FINANCIALS, FANNIE & FREDDIE, & MORE...Our stock market and economic all-stars will discuss and debate all the latest news and developments affecting investors.
On board:
*Dennis Gartman, economist & editor of the Gartman Letter
*Tom Brown, CEO & founder of Bankstocks.com
*James Bianco, president of Bianco Research
*Dennis Kneale, CNBC media & technology editor
*Gary Shilling, president of A. Gary Shilling & Co.
THE DYNAMIC DUO DEBATES DRILL, DRILL, DRILL...Former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich will square off against The Wall Street Journal's Steve Moore on all things oil including President Bush's decision to lift the executive ban on oil exploration in America's Outer Continental Shelf.
Also...US Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne will join us with additional perpsective on today's landmark announcement.
WASHINGTON TO WALL STREET...On to discuss and debate all the latest money politics and election-related issues facing investors will be Greg Valliere, chief strategist at Stanford Washington Research Group and "Jimmy P" Pethokoukis, money and politics blogger for U.S. News & World Report.
Please join us at 7pm ET on CNBC for another free market edition of Kudlow & Company.