THE MARKET & ECONOMY...Our stock market and economic all-stars will discuss and debate all the latest news, trends and developments affecting investors including today's GDP report.
On board:
*Joe Battipaglia, market strategist, Stifel Nicolaus
*Vince Farrell, managing director, Scotsman Capital
*Jerry Bowyer, chief economist at Benchmark Financial
*Mark Skousen, financial economist, author, editor of the financial advice newsletter Forecasts & Strategies
INTERVIEW WITH GOV. SARAH PALIN...Joining us from Juneau, Alaska will be Republican Governor Sarah Palin. We'll discuss her status in the McCain campaign veepstakes, drill, drill, drill, and more.
OBAMA VS. MCCAIN...Our Washington pros will offer their perspective on all the latest developments in the presidential campaign including what appears to be a ratcheting up of the rhetoric between the two candidates.
On board:
*Keith Boykin, New York Times bestselling author and former Clinton White House aide
*Deroy Murdoch, conservative syndicated columnist
Please join us at 7pm ET on CNBC for another free market edition of Kudlow & Company.