THE ECONOMY...a look at what's ahead for the U.S. and global economy with our all-star panel.
*Arthur Laffer, supply-side chieftan/president of Laffer Associates
*Bob Froehlich, vice chairman of the DWS Scudder investment
*Nouriel Roubini, NYU economics professor
"ON THE WEALTH OF NATIONS"...Bestselling author P.J. O'Rourke will join us in a special one-on-one interview to discuss his brand new book all about the great Adam Smith.
A GLOBAL WARMING DEBATE...between Steven Milloy, publisher of JunkScience.com and CSRWatch.com and former California governor/current CA Attorney General Jerry Brown.
(Mr. O'Rourke and the economic panel will weigh in further on the ramifications of global warming, the stock market, and the economy.)
KUDLOW'S STOCK CLUB...we're delighted to have Bernie Shinkel, senior portfolio manager from Huntington New Economy Fund join us tonight. He is four-star Morningstar rated and will provide us with five of his top stock picks.
It's going to be another great show tonight, we hope you'll join us...