We're going to start the show off with a look into the stock market and economy. On board to offer their perspective:
*Art Laffer, president of Laffer Associates
*Doug Kass, president of Seabreeze Partners Management
*James Smith, chief economist for the Parsec Financial Management
A HARD-HITTING WASHINGTON TO WALL STREET DEBATE...(with an **all-star** lineup.)
We'll take a look at Hillary's plan to confiscate oil company profits, the Bush economic boom, gas taxes, terror/war taxes, as well as a a look at the GOP frontrunners--who's best for the markets and economy?
*Greg Mankiw, Harvard economist, former chairman of Bush's Council of Economic Advisors
*Rob Portman, White House budget director
*Fred Bergsten, director of the Petersen Institute for International Economics
*Art Laffer, supply-side guru
And finally, a heated Iran/Iraq debate between Jed Babbin, Human Events editor, and Larry Korb, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress.