STOCK MARKET DRILLDOWN...Joining us tonight are Craig Columbus, President & Chief Market Strategist with Advanced Equities Asset Management; Ryan Beck CIO Joe Battipaglia; and Stefan Abrams, managing partner at Bryden-Abrams Investment Management.
AN INFLATION DEBATE...Joe LaVorgna, chief US economist at Deutsche Bank will square off against Brian Wesbury, chief economist at First Trust Advisors.
U.S./RUSSIAN RELATIONS...Joe Cirincione, vice president for national security at The Center for American Progress will debate Human Events editor, Jed Babbin.
THE DYNAMIC DUO...Robert Reich, former Labor Secretary and professor of public policy at the University of California at Berkeley will debate Steve Moore, senior economics writer for The Wall Street Journal editorial board.
We'll take a look at what's ahead with the AMT, and whether the Paris Hilton saga is evidence of a decline in American values.
Please join us at 5pm ET on CNBC for another free market edition of Kudlow & Company.