We'll begin tonight's show with a quick recap of today's market news from CNBC's Bob Pisani on the floor of the NYSE.
A ONE-ON-ONE INTERVIEW WITH ROB PORTMAN...the departing White House budget director will fill us in on his decision to leave the Bush White House.
STOCK MARKET & ECONOMY...our market mavens will offer up their perspective on a host of subjects this evening.
On board: John Rutledge, chairman of Rutledge Capital; Forbes Magazine's Elizabeth MacDonald; Wendell Perkins, portfolio manager for the JohnsonFamily funds; Barry Ritholtz, president of Ritholtz Research; and senior MarketWatch columnist Herb Greenberg.
Our market panel will stick around throughout the course of the show.
POLITICAL RUNDOWN...CNBC Chief Washington Correspondent John Harwood will offer up the latest news out of Washington.
MIDDLE EAST TENSIONS...Dr. Michael Evans, Middle East expert and four-time New York Times best-selling author will be aboard.
TACKLING TERRORISM...Jed Babbin, editor of Human Events will offer his insight.
Please join us at 5pm ET for another free market edition of CNBC's Kudlow & Company.