Tonight's show will be live from the New York Stock Exchange
STOCK MARKET DRILLDOWN. . . CNBC's Bob Pisani will give us a brief market update from the floor. Our market experts will follow: Quentin Hardy of Forbes magazine, Dr. Bob Froehlich of DWS Scudder, and Gary Shilling of A. Gary Shilling & Co.
WASHINGTON TO WALL STREET EXCLUSIVE. . . Former New York City Mayor and current GOP presidential frontrunner Rudy Giuliani will join us in an exclusive one-on-one interview from the NYSE.
SUNDAY UNSPUN . . . Frank Newport, editor-in-chief at Gallup will sift through all the latest media spin.
DYNAMIC DUO . . . Robert Reich, former Labor Secretary and professor of public policy at the University of California (Berkeley) will debate Steve Moore, senior economics writer for The Wall Street Journal editorial board.