Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Hillary Wants to "Chat"

Tony Blankley has a very good column on Hillary's "compulsion to false self-presentation" today:

Cato the Elder, the great Roman senator, stood for the proposition "Carthago delenda est" -- we should destroy Carthage. Thomas Jefferson ran for president to protect the yeoman farmers from Hamiltonian big government. James Polk promised to steal Texas from the Mexicans. Abe Lincoln stood to preserve the Union. FDR promised to defeat the Depression with bold experimentation. Ike would end the Korean War. Ronald Reagan promised to built up our military strength, defeat Soviet Communism, cut taxes and spending.

And last weekend, Hillary Rodham Clinton presented herself for election to the presidency of the United States with the timeless, clarion call:

"So let's talk. Let's chat, let's start a dialogue about your ideas and mine, because the conversation in Washington has been just a little one-sided lately, don't you think?"...

Click here to read the article.