Mr. Valeiras has got a heck of a track record.
He runs the five-star Morningstar-rated Allianz NACM International Fund which was up a phenomenal 31 percent in 2006, while the S&P notched a none-too-shabby 13 1/2 percent gain. (The fund’s 3-year return is +24.64%; 5-year +20.59%)
Here are Valeiras’ picks and why he likes them:
China Mobile: Largest cell phone company in the world; trading at 17 times earnings; growing over 20 percent. Cheap cell phones around the world popping up all over the place.
Foxconn International: This stock benefits from China Mobile's advantages. They make the guts, the components for inexpensive cell phones. The stock is growing at about 50 percent a year, trading at just over 20 times earnings.
C&C Group: A cider and beverage company out of Ireland. They've been able to push their cider, particularly in London with the hot summer last summer. They had a great penetration, and Valeiras expects that to continue. It’s also trading at a very nice multiple.
Nintendo: Valeiras expects the success of the Wii to continue.
Toyota: It’s going to become the largest car company in the world. It's really benefiting from the move to hybrid technology. Its new Tundra truck is also doing quite well in the U.S.