We're going to start the show off with a one-on-one interview from the North Lawn with White House press secretary Tony Snow.
Mr. Snow will be followed by our all-star Washington to Wall Street panel to explore and debate all the latest news and developments.
*Steven Pearlstein, columnist for the Washington Post
*Elizabeth MacDonald, Forbes senior editor
*James Pethokoukis, senior writer at U.S. News & World Report
*Daniel Gross, author and Slate columnist
FED & THE ECONOMY...On to discuss today's news will be Joe LaVorgna, Deutsche Bank economist, Adam Posen, a co-author with Bernanke and Frederic Mishkin of a book about inflation-targeting, and Ms. MacDonald.
OIL & ENERGY...a look at the latest with Daniel Yergin, president of Cambridge Energy Research Associates and Forbes' Elizabeth MacDonald.
It's going to be a dynamite show tonight - we hope you'll join us...