THE STOCK MARKET & ECONOMY...Our market panel will discuss and debate all the latest news and developments affecting investors.
On board:
*Joe Battipaglia, Stifel Nicolas market strategist
*Jason Trennert, chief investment strategist at Strategas Research
*David Kotok, co-founder & CIO of Cumberland Advisors
*Quentin Hardy, Forbes magazine Silicon Valley Bureau Chief
The market panel will stick around throughout the show.
THE FED...Our Fed gurus will weigh in with their perspective. Joining us are former Federal Reserve Governor Wayne Angell and Bob McTeer, former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
CREDIT...On to discuss Fannie, Freddie and more are Bert Ely, president for banking consultant Ely & Co. and Martin Fridson, founder and chief executive of U.S. high-yield-research firm FridsonVision LLC.
THE LIBERTY DOLLAR CONTROVERSY...Bernard von NotHaus, the man behind the gold & silver-based currency marketed by anti-government activists as an alternative to the greenback, will be aboard. Click here to read about it in The New York Sun.
Please join us at 7pm ET on CNBC for another free market edition of CNBC 's Kudlow & Company.