THE STOCK MARKET & ECONOMY...Our market panel will discuss and debate all the latest news and developments affecting investors including the leading indicator index, the housing mess, oil, gold, the dollar, and interest rates.
On board:
*Michael Metz, chief investment strategist at Oppenheimer & Co.
*Art Laffer, economist, president of Laffer Associates
*Austan Goolsbee, University of Chicago economist and adviser to Sen. Barack Obama
*Jerry Bowyer, chief economist at Benchmark Financial Network/NRO contributor
BONDS & CREDIT UPDATE...Jon Smith, Chief Investment Officer at Haverford Trust Company will join the market panel with his perspective.
IS PAULSON A PESSIMIST?...Our market gurus will weigh in with their thoughts on the Treasury man.
THE LIBERTY DOLLAR & WALMART...Mark Skousen, author and editor of Forecasts & Strategies will offer some revealing news in a continuation of last night's controversial segment. For more on the story, check out The New York Sun story from yesterday.
The market panel will weigh in with their perspective.
MONEY POLITIC$: AXIS OF ECONOMIC ANGST...Topics will include growth predictions, Obama vs. Hillary, which candidate is best for growth, and more. "Jimmy P" Pethokoukis, senior writer at U.S. News & World Report will lend his insight and will be joined by the market panel.
Please join us at 7pm ET on CNBC for another free market edition of Kudlow & Company.