THE WORLD ACCORDING TO BEN STEIN...We'll start tonight's program off with a one-on-one interview with the legendary Renaissance man. Mr. Stein will stick around for the whole show.
THE MARKETS...Our market panel will weigh in with its perspective on what may lie ahead for investors.
On board:
*Gary Shilling, president of A. Gary Shilling & Co.
*Jason Trennert, chief investment strategist for Strategas Research Partners
OIL PRICES, THE ECONOMY & MORE...Dan Yergin, chairman of Cambridge Energy Research, will join the aforementioned market panel with his take on things.
MONEY POLITIC$...Our political panel will discuss and debate all the latest news from Washington, the campaign trail, the Iowa caucuses, and more.
On board:
*Ben Stein, economist, lawyer, author, actor
*John Harris, editor in chief of The Politico
*Greg Valliere, chief Washington strategist at Stanford Policy Research
*"Jimmy P" Pethokoukis, senior writer at U.S. News & World Report
Please join us at 7pm ET on CNBC for another free market edition of Kudlow & Company.