THE MARKETS...Our market panel will discuss and debate all the latest news and developments affecting investors.
*Fritz Meyer, senior investment officer with A I M Advisors
*Ben Stein, economist/author/lawyer/actor
*Gary Shilling, president of A. Gary Shilling & Co.
*Brian Wesbury, chief economist at First Trust Advisors
Also...CNBC's Charlie Gasparino will join us with a look at what's going on with the monoline insurers.
YOUR MONEY, YOUR VOTE...Joining us live from Boca Raton with a preview of tonight's GOP debate will be CNBC chief Washington correspondent John Harwood.
Also on board...Governor Charlie Crist...Florida's Republican Governor will join us for a one-on-one interview.
MONEY POLITIC$...Our Washington to Wall Street panel will weigh in on all the topics and issues facing investors.
On board:
*Steve Moore, member of the Wall Street Journal editorial board
*Ben Stein, author/economist/lawyer/actor
*Robert Reich, former Clinton Labor Secretary, Cal Berkeley professor of public policy
Please join us at 7pm ET on CNBC for another free market edition of Kudlow & Company.