STOCK MARKET...CNBC's Bob Pisani will get the ball rolling and join us live with a report on today's bullish stock market action from the NYSE.
Our market mavens tonight:
*Mike Holland, Chairman of Holland & Company
*Michael Pento, Senior Market Strategist at Delta Global Advisors
*Craig Columbus, Chief Market Strategist at Advanced Equities Asset Management
DEBATE: TODAY'S RETAIL NUMBER & THE ECONOMY...Joe LaVorgna, Chief U.S. Economist at Deutsche Bank will square off with Brian Wesbury, Chief Economist at First Trust Advisors.
WASHINGTON TO WALL STREET...We'll discuss my meeting today with President Bush, taxes, and today's Wall Street Journal editorial, "We're Number One, Alas."
Joining me on the set to duke it out are Steve Moore from The Wall Street Journal's editorial board and Jared Bernstein, Senior Economist at the Economic Policy Institute.
TED NUGENT INTERVIEW...We'll have a one-on-one interview with the conservative rock guitarist on a host of political subjects.
Please join us for another free market edition of CNBC's Kudlow & Company at 5pm ET.