"...If Democrats are loony enough to buy the reactionary left-liberal, complete-the-New-Deal, wealth re-distributionist economics that Edwards is hustling, we (I'm a libertarian Democrat) risk blowing a nearly sure thing in 2008.
The middle class in this country is not falling behind. It is suffering from the psychological turmoil of "The Age of Abundance," as Brink Lindsey describes it so well in his recent book. America's working class is working...." -Terry Michael, director of the Washington Center for Politics & Journalism and author of a "libertarian Democrat" blogsite writing on RealClearPolitics.
Someone ought to pass along the message to Mr. Edwards that attacking rich people, taxing them to death, and making life harder for America's most successful earners won't ever make the non-rich, rich. The best anti-poverty plan is a growing economy, one that creates jobs and higher living standards for all Americans.