We'll begin tonight's show by diving into the surging stock market and Goldilocks economy. On the docket tonight: GDP, inflation, unemployment, consumer confidence, the Fed funds rate and more...
On board to help us make sense of all this:
** Art Laffer, supply-sider extraordinaire and Founder/CEO of Laffer Associates.
** Gail Fosler, chief economist at the Conference Board
** Jeffrey Kleintop, chief investment strategist at PNC Advisors
Kudlow's Stock Club: Charles Norton, four-star Morningstar rated co-portfolio manager of the Vice Fund and principal at GNI Capital will offer his stock selections.
YOUR MONEY, YOUR VOTE...Things are heating up bigtime with less than a month until election day. Our political guests will weigh in with their take as the day of reckoning draws near:
** Sidney Blumenthal, author/former Clinton senior advisor
** Bill Press, Democratic strategist/political commentator
** Joel Mowbray, author/synicated columnist
** Kellyanne Conway, GOP strategist/president of The Polling Company
An interview with Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) to discuss the security bill, ports and the anti-online gambling provision.